10 Proven Strategies for Writing SEO-Friendly Articles on Medium

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5 min readJun 24, 2024



Want to rank higher on search engines and attract more readers on Medium? These 10 proven strategies will help you write SEO-friendly articles that get noticed.

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Identify Keywords

The foundation of SEO starts with keywords. Identifying the right keywords for your article is crucial as it helps search engines understand the topic of your content. To find the best keywords, use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs. These tools provide insights into the search volume, competition, and relevance of different keywords. Focus on long-tail keywords — phrases that are more specific and less competitive — to increase your chances of ranking higher.

For example, if you’re writing an article about healthy eating, instead of targeting a broad keyword like “healthy food,” you might target “healthy food recipes for beginners” or “easy healthy meals.” These keywords are more specific and cater to a more targeted audience, increasing the likelihood of attracting readers who are genuinely interested in your content.

Create a Compelling Title

Your article’s title is the first thing readers and search engines see, so it must be compelling and keyword-rich. A good title is not only descriptive but also engaging, encouraging users to click through and read your article.

Incorporate your primary keyword naturally within the title. For example, if your keyword is “effective weight loss tips,” a compelling title could be “10 Effective Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work.” Additionally, using numbers, questions, or power words can make your title more attractive.

A/B testing different titles can also help you determine which one performs best. Tools like CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer can provide insights and suggestions to improve your titles’ effectiveness.

Start with a Strong Introduction

The introduction sets the tone for your article and determines whether readers will continue reading. An effective introduction should grab the reader’s attention, introduce the main topic, and include your primary keyword.

Start with a hook — a compelling statement, question, or statistic that piques curiosity. For instance, “Did you know that 60% of people fail their diets within the first month? Discover the secrets to successful weight loss in our comprehensive guide.”

Follow the hook with a brief overview of what the article will cover. This helps readers understand the value they’ll gain from reading your content, encouraging them to stay engaged.

Optimize Structure and Formatting

Proper structure and formatting are essential for readability and SEO. An article that’s easy to read will keep readers engaged longer, reducing bounce rates and signaling to search engines that your content is valuable.

Use headings and subheadings to break your content into manageable sections. This not only makes your article more readable but also helps search engines understand the hierarchy and main points of your content. Each heading should be clear and descriptive, incorporating relevant keywords where appropriate.

Bullet points, numbered lists, and short paragraphs improve readability and allow readers to skim through your content quickly. Additionally, using bold or italicized text to highlight important points can enhance the overall user experience.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Focus on Content Quality

Quality content is at the heart of SEO. High-quality articles are informative, well-researched, and provide value to readers. Focus on creating original content that answers questions, solves problems, or provides unique insights.

Use credible sources to back up your claims and provide references where necessary. Including data, statistics, and quotes from experts can add authority to your article.

Moreover, aim for a conversational tone that’s easy to understand. Avoid jargon and complex sentences that might alienate your audience. Instead, write in a clear and engaging manner that resonates with your readers.

Use Internal and External Links

Linking is a crucial aspect of SEO. Internal links connect your article to other relevant content on your Medium account, keeping readers on your page longer and improving your site’s overall structure. For example, if you’ve written another article about “meal prepping tips,” you can link to it within your current article on healthy eating.

External links, on the other hand, point to authoritative sources outside your website. These links add credibility to your content by showing that your information is backed by reliable sources. Ensure that your external links are relevant and from reputable sites.

Both types of links should be used naturally within your content. Overusing or stuffing links can appear spammy and negatively impact your SEO.

Follow SEO Best Practices

Adhering to general SEO best practices ensures that your article is optimized for search engines. This includes:

Meta Descriptions: Write compelling meta descriptions that include your primary keyword. Meta descriptions appear in search results and can influence click-through rates.
Alt Text for Images: Use descriptive alt text for images, incorporating relevant keywords. This helps search engines understand the content of your images.
URL Structure: Keep URLs short, descriptive, and keyword-rich. Avoid using long, complicated URLs with unnecessary parameters.
Mobile Optimization: Ensure your content is mobile-friendly, as a significant portion of web traffic comes from mobile devices.

Regularly updating and maintaining these elements will contribute to better SEO performance.

Encourage Engagement and Sharing

Engagement metrics, such as comments, likes, and shares, are important signals for search engines. High engagement indicates that readers find your content valuable, which can improve your ranking.

Encourage readers to interact with your content by asking questions, inviting comments, and prompting them to share your article. Adding social sharing buttons makes it easier for readers to share your content on various platforms.

Additionally, engaging with readers by responding to comments and participating in discussions can foster a community around your content, boosting its visibility and reach.

Post Consistently

Consistency is key to building and maintaining an audience. Regularly posting new content keeps your readers engaged and signals to search engines that your Medium account is active and regularly updated.

Develop a content calendar to plan and schedule your posts. This ensures that you maintain a steady flow of content without overwhelming yourself. Aim for quality over quantity — it’s better to post high-quality articles less frequently than to publish low-quality content frequently.

Monitor and Adjust Performance

SEO is an ongoing process that requires regular monitoring and adjustments. Use analytics tools to track your articles’ performance, including metrics like page views, engagement rates, and keyword rankings.

Identify which strategies are working and which ones need improvement. For instance, if certain keywords are driving significant traffic, consider creating more content around those topics. Conversely, if some articles aren’t performing well, analyze why and make necessary adjustments.

Regularly updating your content to keep it fresh and relevant can also improve its SEO performance over time. This might include adding new information, updating statistics, or refining your keyword usage.


By implementing these strategies, you can enhance your Medium articles’ SEO, attract a wider audience, and increase engagement. Start optimizing your articles today and see the difference! Consistent effort and attention to detail will pay off in higher rankings, more readers, and greater overall success on Medium.



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